Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving+Black Friday+Dance!!!!

I love Thanksgiving. Mostly this year because I couldn't stand school anymore so it was mostly just for the break this year. But I also love the food oh yeah and the time to remember what I am thankful for lol. My mom made a TON of pie 9 or 10 I know Crazy! We don't ever go anywhere for Thanksgiving so it is nice just to sit at home and relax. We had some friends come over for dessert- we needed help to finish all the pie- and one person brought us some sugar cane stuff from Mexico anyways Burr was just trying to cut it and my dad told him to put the knives down but he didn't and guess what he cut his finger- it was bad! but he didn't cry Suprising.
I had never been shopping for Black Friday because my mom doesn't like it but I decided to go this year with Myka and her mom and sister. It was pretty fun I have got to say but I didn't have that much money to spend. Anyways we went to the mall there was more people than normal but it wasn't that crowded like the lines were long but it didn't seem like we waited that long to get to the cashier. We went to Toys R Us after that and a lot was sold out but the line was not bad at all I thought it was going to be way worse. The only really bad store we went to was Kohls the line wrapped around the whole store... we did not stay very long imagine that. Overall the experience was good we shopped all day we'll see if I want to do it next year.
So I had a dance later that night after shopping... Crazy i know but I got hyper and wanted to go I bought some crazy socks that went up to my knees and then rolled my pants up and wore my hair in a side pony tail and had a big Purple ribbon in my hair... I was very cool I would have to say lol.. there was not that many people at the dance but I had a good time anyways probably because I was so hyper and crazy.
I REALLY don't want to go back to school tomorrow... I hate it oh well I only have to wait untill Christmas now!!!!!!!