Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Prom One, Los Lunas

I know you can't tell but his vest was red which is why the red coursage or however you spell it
I hate those things with a passion. I can't even explain.

So this wasn't the first one I went to but it's the first one I'm gonna write about. I went with this boy from Los Lunas ward named Daniel Smith. I've gone on two other dates with him and IDK, I like him more as a friend but oh well anyway, I borrowed my friend, Kaylee's dress and it looked pretty awesome. Dorothy did my make up and hair and it looked amazing. When he came to pick me up he brought me a dozen roses :D It was so sweet. We went to eat at the Luna Mansion. OMGOODNESS!!! The food was absolutly amazing! I hope to take mom and dad there then Dorothy and I are going to get a group of people and dress up and go cuz it's so delicious! After we went to his house and his mom took pictures of us. Then we went to the dance :D it was so much fun. I got to hang out and dance with Daniel, Kessler, and Mateja. Sha was there...it was a little awkward but we didn't really talk so it was good. Then after we went to the movies and saw How To Train Your Drangon. I had already seen it so I didn't feel too bad when I fell asleep lol. It was a super fun dance. The theme was candy land! It was cool I got this little jar of candy.

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