So on Thursday we had a ward temple trip. I was so excited I was going to take pictures of the outside of the temple and everything and then I got inside and a young women in our ward that had just got baptized was there! My leader Sister Parker wanted to take a picture of us in the waiting room so we took a couple of pictures. Then one of the workers came and told me that I could not have a camera and that I had to delete the pictures. I was fine with it but I felt so embarassed I thought I could at least take pictures in the waiting room. Guess not! But I love going to the temple none the less. I also love going to the temple because we go out to eat afterwards! LOL! We went to Subway this time cuz there was such a small group usually we just go to Dairy Queen. My friends and I went to both anyways!
William did not go, that lazy boy! JK he was cleaning up horse poop! I would much rather go to the temple!

This is Burr and his friend James! They are so cute because they are our only deacons and they are so SHORT!

These are the girls that went! Notice that we are outside the temple! lol! The girl in blue just got baptized!
Sounds like fun! You should like put your name at the end so people know who posted it!