Sunday, August 2, 2009

A FULL Week!

So this last week me and Lela took finals YES we are done! and there was youth conference and i stayed with Myka while her parents were out of town! Where to start I went over to Myka's house on Tuesday and then we went to Megan's house cuz it was her sweet sixteen but first we had to buy her a gift so we went shopping and bought her a whole bunch of nothing usefull. LOL it was pretty funny but we went over to her house walked around the ditches at midnight came to my house to get movies and went back over to Megan's to watch movies! This whole time I never even thought to get my camera out so Myka has pictures on her blog! HAPPY 16 MEGAN!! I luv ya!
Youth conference started on Thursday after FINALS and so Me and Myka went to go register but then like all the youth from our ward went to a star ball thing up in albs so me and myka decided to ditch the dance a little bit early and we went to go buy silly string and window marker cuz we wanted to go get somebody's house. But then we thought it would be too mean so we bought her a present so she would not be so mad and that took us all night coming up with cute little phrases to put on every thing one of my favorite was on the deoderant we said "Don't Sweat it we've got you covered". So we stayed up late doing that so we didn't have enough time to go give the present to her.

Friday morning was registration for school! We went up there at nine and got all our papers and everything signed so we could get our schedule but then me and Lela needed her schedule fixed so we waited for the counsler for over 2 hours! So not worth it but now i don't have to read books for my ap english class cuz i got out of it YES! Then I went back to youth conference and went to some classes that were so fun and then left to go feed Myka's animals and to go toilet paper and silly string Abby's house but it was pouring rain and I know that it was carma bitting back cuz we were ditching out on youth conference! And then me and Myka wanted a Frutista Freeze from Taco Bell so we stopped by there (The drinks were SO good) and then headed back to the church but we had missed dinner so we had to get something out of the kitchen to eat and we missed out on more of youth conference. Then the dance started and it was sooo fun we danced so much. It was such a great day until we started driving home in Myka's Truck! First there was a DWI check point and we could not find the updated registration or insurance so they made us pull over so we finally found the registration but not the insurace but they just let us go and then not even two minutes later myka's truck started acting wierd so we pulled over and her truck battery died. It died right off of a scary curve and the lights weren't working so we could not put on the hazards. Two men from church came overe to help us and then Myka's brother in law came and they switched out batteries and then we went back to Myka's and her truck died in the driveway right as we pulled up. Then we were scared to go inside the house all by our selves so we stayed out side for a little and then finally got enough courage to go inside. We finally got to bed around two!

Saturday was testimony meeting and we ended youth conference! SAD :( And then Myka's parents came home (good thing we cleaned the house up)! Then i went out on the Go Kart and drove my little brothers around!

All in all it was a fun week kinda long but FUN! Sorry there is no pictures I never think to take any!

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